Optimize Meeting Spaces for Virtual Care
Set Up Healthcare Spaces for Simple Collaboration
AV solutions have become an integral element of everyday interactions among doctors and patients. It is now essential that healthcare spaces include the right technology such as high-quality video conferencing and smart audio to help ensure a quality patient experience. Hospitals, doctor’s offices, and healthcare organizations are quickly adjusting spaces to accommodate this new approach to patient care, providing collaboration tools that enable effective telehealth visits and seamless interactions.

Telemedicine Spaces

Interactive Video Walls

Training Rooms

Digital Signage


Service & Support Programs
“Cenero’s Constant Connect managed services provide remote 24-hour monitoring where they are able to proactively check all of the systems and immediately resolve issues, giving us confidence all technology will work when needed. They are able to provide service and support without interruption to our operations, so we can remain focused on providing exceptional healthcare services.”
Healthcare Transformation
In a healthcare environment, it can be life critical that all technology is always working. Remote monitoring of all collaboration solutions proactively tests, diagnoses, and repairs issues to ensure everything is fully functional at all times, and offering access to an on-demand help desk can provide immediate resolution of any problems.
Case Studies

Updating Meeting Spaces for Virtual Care
Quick tips for adjusting meeting rooms for better patient experiences. Our free ebook includes:
A review of trends in healthcare and telemedicine, including how many healthcare organizations are adopting a digital first strategy
How incorporating new tools like space utilization, touchless tech, digital signage, and interactive video walls can improve collaboration between patients, doctors, and healthcare providers
Tips and tools to creating a more interactive experience, from integrating Teams and Zooms into meeting spaces and including high-quality audio and video solutions, to offering ongoing service and support programs
Simplify Meetings & Prevent Telemedicine Delays
Create seamless telemedicine experiences - no more tech issues, video delays, or problems with UC platforms, enjoy more productive healthcare sessions, every time
Getting Started is Easy.
Fill out the form and tell us about your collaboration needs.
An AV expert will reach out to discuss your specific business goals, objectives, and timelines.
Our preliminary scope of work will include design recommendations and tailored service, support and training programs.