
 Room Configurator provides custom meeting space designs
for quick deployment and seamless implementation.

Collaboration spaces for seamless interactions

Meeting Spaces Set Up with the Right Technology

AVBlueprint is a simple to use Room Configurator that allows you to design meeting spaces featuring right-sized video collaboration technology for seamless interactions. Reference designs include proven equipment and built-in managed services for a consistent, reliable, and immersive meeting experience.


Accelerated Design

Microsoft certfied designs that have been proven to work successfully and can be easily replicated, establishing standards and ensuring a consistent experience across all locations.


Quick Deployment

Proven AV solutions delivered in as little as 4 to 6 weeks, including signal flows, AV requirements, Quick Start Guides, and training documents for fast implementation into a meeting space.


Service & Support

Our built-in service and support program, UC Proactive Managed Services, ensures ongoing reliability and functionality of all technology.


Detailed Analytics

Detailed data on system performance, room usage, and common issues for more informed business decisions.

See Your Space in Virtual Reality 

Cenero's VRBlueprint provides a 3D, 360 degree view of a room before it is even designed. With Virtual Reality, you can see how rooms will look and how all technology will function in the space,
including camera field of view and microphone reverberation.

Cenero's pre-proven designs provides confidence that we can quickly deploy technology in meeting spaces that allows everyone to easily connect and collaborate, from any location.

Design Spaces Tailored to Your
Specific Requirements 

Reach out to Cenero and we can walk you through the design process.

How it works:

  • Answer a few questions about your space
  • Select basic requirements for your room
  • Get a complete look at the meeting room in advance
  • View and share your detailed solution



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    Rapid Design & Integration

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    Enterprise Standards

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    Training & Video Guides

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    Remote System Monitoring & Testing

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    Detailed Analytics & AI-informed Data

Free Consultation

Speak with an AV expert about AVBlueprint for simplified and seamless hybrid meeting experiences.

Cenero_Ebook Cover_High Res-01

6 Steps to Improving Collaboration in a Hybrid Office

Our free guide contains top tech tips to improving interactions in the new way of working

This eBook will help you:

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    Create flexible meeting spaces that seamlessly connect in-person and remote teams

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    Easily integrate UC platforms like Teams and Zoom into in-office environments

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    Incorporate new tools like space utilization, touchless tech, and digital signage for a smooth transition to in-office work

Simplify Meetings & Prevent Meeting Delays

Create seamless meeting experiences - no more tech issues, video delays, or problems with UC platforms, enjoy more productive working sessions, every time

Getting Started is Easy.

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    Fill out the form and tell us about your collaboration needs.

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    An AV expert will reach out to discuss your specific business goals, objectives, and timelines.

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    Our preliminary scope of work will include design recommendations and tailored service, support and training programs.

Contact Us

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