Senior Living Organization


A senior living organization recently partnered with Cenero to update their spaces for easier, more stable long-term use. All spaces needed to be engaging to support keeping the residents mentally active, including audio throughout the facility, digital signage, and tools to assist hearing challenged residents.


Cenero designed a custom interface to deliver audio throughout the facility. This included an intuitive solution that allowed for control of the music from any touchpad or iPad. A content management service was also provided for all of the digital signage across buildings which allowed for easy management of content, and specific templates to simplify content creation.

The implementation runs across 26 zones including high end suites, a concierge suite, multi-purpose spaces, a theater, and more. Their multi-purpose space includes plug in capabilities so those who have trouble hearing can better understand meetings and events. Cenero has now partnered with the senior living company on 4 locations, and plans to incorporate similar standards in additional facilities.